Imaging USA 2011
I’m a little late in my posts and I truly appologize. As soon as we returned from Imaging USA in San Antonio we took our youth group to south Houston for Teen Mania’s Acquire the Fire Conference (ATF). Then as soon as we got back from ATF Bill and I both got type A flu. I’m told type A is the worst you can have, and from personal experience I can testify to the fact that it is quite awful. We’re still working through some of the symptoms and trying to catch up on the week of work we missed.
And now, here we are. Over the next few days I’ll be posting about some of my favorite things at Imaging USA, as well as some great vendors I got to meet while I was there. We’ve got new products coming out and a whole new look (check out the water marks on the photos for a preview of the new logo).
A birds eye view preview of the show.
Leaving the Luxe Lounge (more to come on that in a later post).
My vendor map. I went through ahead of time and marked all the booths I knew I wanted to visit. I was surprised to see Apple listed, as they don’t even attend the MacWorld Conference anymore.
Meet Apple’s booth. I have no idea what this was all about. Where they planning on attending and then pulled out last minute. Did Imaging USA hold a booth for them in hopes that they’d attend? Curious right?
Stay tuned for more photos, awesome booths, and vendors in upcoming posts this week!