My vegetable gardens have been in a state of death for a while now. The lack of rain and extreme heat we’ve had in this area this summer have rendered them completely…well…dead. I got a total of four tomatoes off the nine plants I planted. It was sad.

Well, while pulling out the dead plants I noticed a little gift in one of the beds.

A pile sized gift.

A Sam Dog sized pile.

A poop pile.

In my vegetable bed.

To say I was angry would be an understatement.

I called Sam over, right away she had known what she had done.

She cowered.

And that was it, cause she knew.

And then the next day…I saw this…

Diliberto Photo & Design Houston, Raised Vegetable Garden

I let it happen long enough to snap a few photos and then I ran outside and scolded her. I haven’t caught her in there again since. It seems that the squirrels (the ones she’d really like to eat) have been digging up my plants all around the yard to I suppose eat the roots for water or food or whatever. I think that’s what attracted her to my veggie beds.

That squirrel smell.