Five Things: 3DCAMP, Hummingbird, Eclipse, Whole Foods, Quilt
1. 3DCAMP- Last Saturday was 3DCAMP! I’ve shared a lot about how we’ve been helping them out with a logo design and marketing and how they were on the news. But seriously the event went splendidly. And it was incredibly fascinating to see all the vendors and have chats with folks making strides in 3D technology and using it daily in their work. Most people don’t know that you can print 3D objects in metal and glass and plastic and all sorts of substances. I feel like all that may be better shared in it’s own post but I just can not share enough about how great 3DCAMP 2012 went, with all the sponsors, vendors, volunteers, committee members and attendees working together it was a great conference. I can’t wait until next year.
2. Hummingbird- It’s hummingbird season here in Houston and I’ve been seeing them in droves. I hung a home made hummingbird feeder (wine bottle, plus feeder stopper, plus wire) right outside my office window so I could watch them and sneak photos. Here’s my favorite.

Shot with my Canon
3. Eclipse- Last Sunday we took a private tour of Minute Maid Stadium (where the Houston Astros play). Yes I am a huge fan. Yes I realize they may have just played their worst season ever. Still, I love them. They’re my team. And there are lots of changes coming- switching to the American League, new owner, new GM, lots of new blood. It’s going to be an interesting season. Anywho…whenever I visit a stadium I take a feet shot right off the grass. This shot however had a bit of a baby bump eclipse in it. It wasn’t intended but it makes me smile because it’s where we are in life right now. AND our kid was in the Astros stadium first so it has to be an Astros fan. Not a Phillies fan, much to Bill’s dismay.
4. Whole Foods- Months ago, probably over a year ago I wrote about Trader Joe’s coming to the Woodlands. I may have mentioned how dumb it was that Whole Foods had zero plans to expand out this direction (Woodlands, Spring, Tomball) but were instead going to build in the Katy area. I projected that Trader Joe’s was going to steal a lot of the market share out this way. Well guess who is NOW building a location out this way…Whole Foods. What’s excellent is that it’s 5 minutes from my house (literally just down the road) and will actually become my closest grocery store. I’d like to think that they read my post and chose a location close to me just to make me smile. So welcome to the area Whole Foods, it’s about time, we’ve been waiting.
Note: According to the Houston Chronicle the store will be 40,000 square feet and is slated to open sometime in 2014.

The Sign I Spotted Announcing Their Arrival
5. Quilt- The baby quilt is coming together, the top is 1/3 of the way done and I’m hoping to knock out the rest of it sometime this weekend. Here’s to sewing!
[…] are a few things I get really excited about… Trader Joe’s coming to Houston, a Whole Foods being built within walking distance from my home, giant sprinklers. Today on the rare occasion that […]
[…] Trader Joe’s and build closer to our side of Spring. Then on October of 2012 I posted about a little sign less than a mile from my house on the corner of a wooded area “Whole Foods Market Coming […]