Since we got married, almost two years ago, we have not had a TV. It was a choice Bill and I made for two reasons. First we were moving and needed to get rid of a bunch of stuff so we sold our gigantic TV before the total switch to HD. Second, we wanted to…

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This was our first Thanksgiving in our new house, the first time the inlaws came to visit, and the first time for Sam to have Thanksgiving with us. It was a fun time, but I was completely exhausted afterwards and had to take a day to rest. James, my father-in-law helped peel apples for apple…

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So the holidays, though not officially over yet have come with a whirlwind. Between hosting Thanksgiving and the in laws, to Phyllis going into the Apple hospital, to flying to New York for my Great Grandmother’s funeral, to Christmas Eve Seven Fishes Dinner, to hosting Christmas Day…its been a lot. Clearly I’m behind on posts…

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Meet Rose, my very Italian (Sicilian to be exact) Great Grandmother. On December 15th she asked my Uncle, her son, to take her up to her room to sleep. She had been sleeping on the couch, watching TV. That night, in her sleep, she went to be with God. I will miss her greatly, but…

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I am writing this from my iPhone, in a plane some thousand plus feet in the air using free wifi. I never cease to be amazing by technology and the progression of American culture as a whole. I remember when there was a smoking section on an airplane. All that separated it from the non…

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Phyllis is sick again (Phyllis is my computer). I apologize that my posts will be scarcer than usual. Apple assures me one week.

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On a recent Saturday my husband Bill, his friend Bradley, and myself went on an adventure to the almost the heart of Houston (if we’re going to use the anatomy metaphor I’d say it was more like the lung…) to St. Arnold Brewery. St. Arnold Brewery boasts as being Texas’ Oldest Craft Brewery, I’m not…

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In the spirit of the season and thanksgiving I have been reflecting on the things I am thankful for. I am SO thankful for my very few, but loyal readers, yes mom, that means you. 🙂 I am also so thankful for my family, my friends, and where Bill and I are in our lives…

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I love parties. They’re a ton of work and afterwards I’m always insanely exhausted, but I love them. My awesome husband turned 27 yesterday and that was a good reason for a party. We decided back in August…maybe July…that it should most definitely be a costume party. I’m a huge fan of The Tom Kat…

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I am not a fair weather fan. Not in the slightest. I L. O. V. E. the game of baseball. To those who claim its slow, PSHHH to you. Its called enjoyable. Relax a little. And to those who say football is better. You must be kidding. Baseball is America’s favorite pasttime (or at least…

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